Bala Vihar Registration for 2022-2023

Registration for Bala Vihar  2022-2023 is open with In-person classes at the Reedy Creek school. Bala Vihar Registration is a TWO part process:
I. Create a User ID  (In the future -the user name password will be used by you to logon) – so pls store this info II. Register the children for Bala Vihar 
Below are the steps..

  1. Open the CMRDU website   or Navigate Bala Vihar  > Bala Vihar  Information > Bala Vihar 2022-2023 Registration and click on it.
  2. Ensure that Bala Vihar 2022-2023 Registration page is displayed and Click on  ‘Click here to Create an Account’ 
  3. Ensure that the ‘Register’ page is displayed. Enter all the required details and click on Register 
  4. Ensure that Bala Vihar Registration 2022-2023 enrollment form is displayed.  Enter all the required details in the form 
  5. To complete the enrollment click on ‘Click here to complete Enrollment’ 
  6. To logout of the account, please navigate to My Account > Log Out    
  7. Payment information is part of the form, Mail the check to the  address   

Thank You!

Any questions, please email at

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